Monday, July 12, 2010

Reasons for Leaving a Job

An employee never leaves his job, he leaves his boss. It's the passion for the job, that makes an employee look for another job and leave the existing work. However, while answering job interview questions, such as 'reasons for leaving a job', can be tricky questions to answer. It's a question that one cannot evade and neither can a person dodge. When you're potential employers asks you this question, it can be the make or break question. The answer to this question can show your employer to be your attitude towards colleagues, your frame of mind, your behavior at the previous workplace and honesty in small ways if not the real picture. Regardless of how the question was asked, you need to answer this question in the most convincing manner. Let's see what are some of the good reasons for leaving a job. Read more on job interview tips.

Reasons for a Job Change

Career Development
You can make a career, when you pursue what you are good at. Thus, you have to explain to the interviewer, that you are changing the job, since you believe that the new opportunity will benefit you and the organization better. Honestly, the reason that you are quitting the previous job for a new one for career development and growth, is one of the most an appropriate reasons for leaving a job.

Job Satisfaction
A content employee can be more productive and efficient in his work. However, if you are unhappy, then work becomes penalizing. Hence, quitting your job due to job dissatisfaction, is a valid reason to look out for new remunerative options. Thus, explaining your interviewer that you are capable to delivering your best, due to better work ethics and culture seems to be a one of the good reasons for leaving a job. Read more on job satisfaction.

Challenging Career
Another strong reason why people quit their jobs is because they cannot utilize their skills and abilities. If you are one of them, stuck with a feeling of stagnation, then here's your reason. Explain to the interviewer, what are your skills, your abilities and the nature of your existing work. Tell your potential employer, what are your capabilities and how greater challenges can help both, you and the employer. Read more on career change.

This is often the case with newly wed women. The need to relocate is unavoidable. So, I guess, your there isn't much scope for explanation with the reason of relocation and finding a new job in a new place.

Lay Off or Restructuring
In times of economic decline a company is left with very few options. Lay offs are a common trend. So if you have been one of those unfortunate ones, tell your employer to be, so. Explain to him/her that how a big organization can help you achieve more for you and thus for the organization. This glitch here is to convince the employer to be that you were laid off due to economic slowdown and not due to your incapability. Read more on job cuts.

Workplace Location
Traveling for long duration every single day, begins to take a toll on health. Commuting daily to a workplace in suburbs, wastes time, resources and energy. Hence, change of job due to difficult workplace location, is an appropriate reason for leaving the job. A workplace that is far away, leaves little time for you and your family, plus is a big hindrance, if you want to work for extra hours.

The reasons for leaving a job have to be such that, if they are verified by your potential employer, by the references you make, they will be backed up. If you are caught lying about the reasons for leaving a job, then you will not only put yourself in danger, but your career too. So, think twice before you speak. Good luck!

By Mukta Gaikwad

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