Thursday, July 8, 2010

Working With a Worshipping, Why Not? (part II)

Dhikr remembered God anytime. When driving to work, was in the elevator, waiting for the photocopier, when a friend walked into the cubicle, anytime and anywhere. Basmallah say when starting a job and say thanks when the finish line is a simple example that can be socialized. While there is opportunity, take advantage of the good and remember to mention his name as much as possible.

Maintain hearts by reading / hearing the Qur’an. Perhaps reading the Quran in the office could not be done with a solemn and freely because of limited time and place after the prayer time, however can be used to read the scriptures and deepen meaning of Qur’an. Do not forget to put always the Qur’an and the translation on your desk. However, slightly better than nothing at all, only 1-2 pieces of it is still possible. If you narrow or break time can not leave the table altogether, just open enough digital Quran at the computer and read a few letters. Did not have time to read? Listen in MP3 format can also be the choice.

Keep the oral, avoid gossip. Sometimes without realizing it while chatting with co-workers called the ends to be gossiping about others. During fasting (and better if transmitted after the fast ends), avoid gossiping here and there. Besides damaging your worship, it is also a waste of time. If you really want to talk, stay away from topics that lead to gossip and rumors in italics. Better to talk about fasting and other worships.

Make co-workers as your charity fields. Worship is not only done but also vertically, horizontally. Co-workers to do good on even small levels will double in value. Especially if it can hold back and patience from those who are sensitive to emotions, certainly bigger reward. Therefore maximize inter worship this man purse to add weight to your fast served as an exercise of endurance and patience in the fight against the passions so that you live worship Ramadhan feels more meaningful.

Job Info , Jobs , Employment

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